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Michael Sailstorfer

”Ragdoll Boss”. 2009
Sold for 9.375 EUR (incl. premium)

Michael Wesely

7.8.2001 – 7.6.2004. The Museum of Modern Art, New York for Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman. 2001–2004
Sold for 9.750 EUR (incl. premium)

Michael Sailstorfer

„Knoten“ (19). 2010
Sold for 10.000 EUR (incl. premium)
Sold for 10.000 EUR (incl. premium)
Sold for 10.000 EUR (incl. premium)

Michael Buthe

Untitled (Die Sonne, Marrakesch). 1974
Sold for 10.000 EUR (incl. premium)
Sold for 10.000 EUR (incl. premium)
Sold for 10.000 EUR (incl. premium)

Michael Wesely

19.2.2003 – 28.5.2005. Allianz Arena, München. 2005
Sold for 10.625 EUR (incl. premium)

Michael Wesely

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. 2001 – 2003
Sold for 10.625 EUR (incl. premium)
Sold for 10.625 EUR (incl. premium)
Sold for 11.250 EUR (incl. premium)
Sold for 11.250 EUR (incl. premium)

Louis Asher

Johannes Michael Speckter. 1836
Sold for 11.875 EUR (incl. premium)

Giovanni Battista Pittoni

The Archangel Michael and Bishop Laurentius of Siponto before the Sanctuary of Monte Gargano. 1725/35
Sold for 12.500 EUR (incl. premium)
Sold for 15.000 EUR (incl. premium)

Michael Triegel

”Selbstbildnis”. 2013
Sold for 15.000 EUR (incl. premium)

Michael Croissant

„Kopf und Schulter“. Circa 1982
Sold for 15.000 EUR (incl. premium)
Sold for 17.500 EUR (incl. premium)
Sold for 17.500 EUR (incl. premium)
Sold for 18.750 EUR (incl. premium)

Michael Triegel

”Porträt Esther”. 1996
Sold for 18.750 EUR (incl. premium)

Michael Neher

Straßenszene in Italien. 1833
Sold for 22.500 EUR (incl. premium)

Michael Wesely

9.8.2001 – 2.5.2003. The Museum of Modern Art, New York for the Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation. 2001–2003
Sold for 22.500 EUR (incl. premium)

Nach Johann Michael Hoppenhaupt d.Ä.

Console table - constructed by the Dresden court workshop. Circa 1745/50
Sold for 22.500 EUR (incl. premium)

Michael Wesely

„Point Lobos“. 2000
Sold for 25.000 EUR (incl. premium)

Michael Sailstorfer

”Raketenbaum 1”. 2008
Sold for 35.560 EUR (incl. premium)

Michael Wentzel

Floral Still Life with View of the Castel Gandolfo. 1832
Sold for 41.250 EUR (incl. premium)

Michael Rachlis und César Klein

Commode with inlay for the Villa Zissu, Berlin. 1929
Sold for 46.250 EUR (incl. premium)

Michael Müller

Yet each man kills the thing he loves, By each let this be heard, Some do it with a bitter look, Some with a flattering word. The coward does it with a kiss, The brave man with a sword!, from the series "vor und hinter dem Glas". 2020
Sold for 72.500 EUR (incl. premium)
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