
Fidus (i.e. Höppener, Hugo)

Lübeck 1868 – 1948 Woltersdorf near Berlin

„Der verlorene Sohn“. 1892
Charcoal on nacreous paper, laid down by the artist on grey-green cardboard and painted in the margin with watercolour, brush and pen and India ink. 56,7 x 34,6 cm (60 x 43,5 cm) (22 3/8 x 13 5/8 in. (23 5/8 x 17 1/8 in.)).

EUR 1.800 – 2.400
USD 2,450 – 3,270

Sold for
8.750 EUR (incl. premium)

Auctions 215-221
19th Century Art, November 27, 2013