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Coffee pot and mocha pot with rocaille decoration by Christoph Conrad Meyer (1722–1781) and Georg Wilhelm Marggraff (died 1804). Circa 1770
Sold for 3.750 EUR (incl. premium)
Sold for 16.250 EUR (incl. premium)

Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein, gen. „Goethe-Tischbein"

„Verbrecher, die auf die Galeere verbracht werden“. Circa 1800
Sold for 4.270 EUR (incl. premium)

Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein, gen. „Goethe-Tischbein"

Jagdszene („Kopie nach Paulus Potter“). Circa 1800
Sold for 976 EUR (incl. premium)

Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein, gen. „Goethe-Tischbein"

The young man is pondering the construction of a boat (after Salomon Gessner's "The first skipper"). After Heinrich Friedrich Füger.. After 1796
Sold for 7.500 EUR (incl. premium)
Sold for 250 EUR (incl. premium)

Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein, gen. „Goethe-Tischbein"

Frederick Hervey, Bishop of Derry and 4th Earl of Bristol (1730–1803), in the background the Tomb of Mamia, Pompeii. March 1790
Sold for 42.500 EUR (incl. premium)

Zechliner Hütte

Lidded goblet with the portrait of Friedrich Wilhelm I., King in Prussia, and the King's monograms FWR and FR II. Presumably 1740
Sold for 3.750 EUR (incl. premium)

Karl Friedrich Schinkel

Schinkel standard frame with a steel engraving of the honouring of King Friedrich Wilhelm IV at the Berlin City Palace, 1844. Circa 1844
Sold for 6.875 EUR (incl. premium)

Nach Karl Friedrich Schinkel

Large silver goblet – for the Berlin court actor Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand Unzelmann (1753–1832) on the occasion of his 50th year on the stage. 1821
Sold for 11.250 EUR (incl. premium)

Dresdner Hoftischler

Pair of drawed commodes with rich floral marquetry – in the style of the brothers Johann Friedrich (1726–1793) and Heinrich Wilhelm Spindler (1738–1788). Circa 1755/60
Sold for 62.500 EUR (incl. premium)

Gebrüder Friedländer, Berlin

Bracelet for Countess Alexandra Arnim-Boitzenburg (1868–1943) – gift from Kaiser Wilhelm II. on the occasion of a visit to Boitzenburg on 12 September 1911. Circa 1905
Sold for 12.500 EUR (incl. premium)

KPM Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Berlin

Tondo with profile portraits of the family of King Friedrich Wilhelm III of Prussia and Queen Luise, with their seven children and the two children of Luise's sister Friederike. 1815
Sold for 14.030 EUR (incl. premium)

KPM Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Berlin

Round lidded tureen from the table service for King Friedrich Wilhelm II. of Prussia (1744–1797) – "Antikglatt" design with flower painting and purple edging, for the winter rooms of the Charlottenburg Palace. 1796
Sold for 7.500 EUR (incl. premium)

Mappenwerk (vor 1945)

„Shakespeares Visionen“. 1918
Sold for 7.500 EUR (incl. premium)
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